In the enchanting forest, the storyteller unfolds the saga of how an innocent hunter Cariappa falls in love with a Princess. The hardship and life transformation events the innocent hunter goes through. The series of events where the hunter cheats death, escapes the clutches of the royal guards confides his feelings to the love of his life.
Their love was subjected to the challenges of time and circumstances and met an unfortunate fate, however, despite the trials and tribulations, this story explains how their love endured.
Unbeknownst to the royal guards and the townspeople, a surprise unfolds – Cariappa, thought to be lost, mysteriously returns. His presence, now intertwined with the magic of the woods, adds an unexpected twist to the tale, blurring the lines between reality and enchantment.
The storytelling experience becomes even more magical as the colleagues and people accompanying the storyteller are treated to unforeseen surprises. The arrival of the storyteller’s wife, a magnetic presence in her own right, adds a layer of warmth and connection to the narrative, emphasizing the communal aspect of storytelling.
As the story reaches its conclusion, the love between the princess and Cariappa has a theme of rebirth. People accompanying the storyteller are captivated by the tale and are left with a moral that transcends the fantastical elements—a poignant reflection on the enduring power of love, symbolized by the eternal connection between Ponnamma and Cariappa. The narrative serves as a reminder that love, can endure, transform, and find new life even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.
Additional Information
Binding Type | Paperback |
Languages | |
Publishers |
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