
Inspired by true events, “The Trance Girl: The One Who Became An Addiction” is a realistic fairy tale set against the vibrant backdrops of Chennai, Colombo, Kochi, Montreal, Toronto,  Aalsmeer, Frankfurt, Florence, and Paris. The story follows the journey of Akshay and Saesha, the key protagonists, as they engage in profound conversations across different cities at two different stages of their lives. Akshay, a management consultant, finds himself enamored by Saesha, an enigmatic woman he met during his semester exchange in Montreal while pursuing engineering at IIT Madras at 19. Those fleeting months in Montreal imprint themselves deeply in Akshay’s heart, becoming the most cherished memories of his life.

Seven years later, on an official trip to Florence, Akshay embarks on a quest to find the elusive Saesha. As their paths cross once again in the enchanting cities of Europe, he is faced with questions: what has changed, and was the years-long wait worth it? While Akshay had countless reasons to fall for Saesha—her beauty, wealth, intelligence, and allure—what drew Saesha to Akshay then, and what keeps her connected to him now? Dive into this tale of love, destiny, and the enduring power of connection as Akshay and Saesha navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

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About Author

Arjun Prasannan hails from Kochi, a city in the southern Indian state of Kerala. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and a Master of Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Throughout his career, he has worked in various domains, including consumer goods,…

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  1. Aparna Prasannan (verified owner)

    “Trance Girl” by Arjun Prasannan is a captivating debut novel that masterfully blends elements of mystery, fantasy, and psychological depth. The story revolves around a young girl’s extraordinary ability to traverse the realms of dreams and reality, offering readers a gripping narrative filled with unexpected twists and profound insights. The author’s eloquent writing and vivid imagery create an immersive experience, drawing readers into a world where the lines between the real and the surreal blur. A must-read for fans of speculative fiction, “Trance Girl” is a testament to the author’s promising talent and creative storytelling. Highly recommended!