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    Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹315.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • -8%

    Firdoos Bhat is a distinguished legal practitioner, whose journey from the calm valleys of Kashmir to the bustling courtrooms of District Court Kupwara in the northern part of Jammu and Kashmir
    A proud alumnus of Kashmir University, Firdoos pursued his Bachelor's degree before venturing to Punjab India, to delve into the intricacies of law. With a keen intellect and insatiable thirst for knowledge, he honed his legal acumen, earning his degree and returning to his roots to serve his community.
    Beyond the confines of the courtroom, Firdoos is a passionate writer and social commentator, who channels his insights and perspectives into thought-provoking articles on current issues. His voice resonates across various social media platforms, where he advocates for societal change and justice.
    Inspired by the multifaceted legacy of his father—a prominent politician and businessman—Firdoos has embraced advocacy as his calling. He draws inspiration from Advocate Bashir Ahmad Dar, an esteemed former MLA and leading criminal lawyer from District Kupwara, whose mentorship has shaped his approach to the law.
    In addition to his legal pursuits, Firdoos is no stranger to adventure, having excelled in various adventurous sports during his college years. His diverse interests and achievements underscore his commitment to embracing life's challenges with courage and tenacity.
    Currently serving as a legal advisor at KashCom, Firdoos continues to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape while pursuing his studies in law. His dedication to justice, coupled with his unwavering determination, makes him a formidable force in the legal arena and a beacon of hope for his community.

    In this book, Firdoos Bhat invites readers to join him on a journey of discovery, advocacy, and empowerment—a journey fueled by the pursuit of justice and inspired by the timeless values of integrity, compassion, and resilience.

    Sku: 9789356489967

    Invisible Visible

    Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹230.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • -7%

    Born in the beautiful town of Dapoli in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, Dr. Prashant has dedicated his life to the pursuit of medical excellence. He holds a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery and has further specialized with a Post Graduation in Shalakya Tantra, focusing on Ear, Nose, and Throat. Dr. Prashant brings his extensive medical knowledge and compassionate care to his own hospital in Malshiras Taluka, Solapur District, where he has been a pillar of the community. Despite his demanding medical career, Dr. Prashant has always nurtured a passion for storytelling. As a student, he devoured comics and delighted in exploring the realms of science fiction, which sparked his imagination and fostered a love for the written word. This passion has culminated in his debut fictional novel, a testament to his ability to blend his professional expertise with his creative inclinations. Dr. Prashant’s venture into fiction writing is not just an artistic endeavor but also a journey into the depths of human experience, woven with the threads of reality and imagination. His foray into the literary world promises to be as impactful and thought-provoking as his contributions to the field of medicine.

    Sku: 9789356489981

    Empire of Wisdom – Vidyagyan

    Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹370.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • -4%

    Mousumi Roy is an author, artist, and technologist whose multifaceted career spans over 13 years in the IT industry. With roles ranging from a tech lead to an architect, her professional journey is marked by her expertise and international exposure. Outside of her technical career, Mousumi is a self-taught artist whose works bridge the visual and literary realms, reflecting her deep commitment to exploring emotional and spiritual landscapes.

    Mousumi’s artistic and literary journey is as much about self-expression as it is about discovery. Her debut novel, “Is This My Twin Flame or Am I Chasing Shadows and Light?”, weaves together her insights on spiritual awakening, love, and the profound connections that challenge and redefine our understanding of life and relationships. Her art and narratives are crafted to not only tell a story but to inspire a journey, making the invisible visceral and the unspoken vividly felt.

    Vision & Values

    As an author, Mousumi’s vision extends beyond the written word to invoke a journey of spiritual and personal growth for her readers. She is dedicated to authenticity, exploring themes that resonate deeply within the human spirit—truth, resilience, and the quest for connection. Her works aim to illuminate the twin flames of passion and discovery, guiding readers through the shadows and light of their own lives.

    Mousumi values integrity in storytelling and believes in the power of narrative to transform and uplift. Through her works, she seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the self and the universe, encouraging readers to uncover their own truths and embrace their paths with courage and openness.

    Sku: 9789356486478

    Is This My Twin Flame or Am I Chasing Shadows & Light ?

    Original price was: ₹1,980.00.Current price is: ₹1,899.00. Add to cart Quick View
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    Sku: 9789356488977

    1/12th of a Year

    Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹240.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • -10%
    Suryamita Chatterjee has a solid academic background and has chosen to teach Chemistry as her profession. She was born and raised on a small, peaceful campus of India's premier Institute for Science and Technology. She is a postgraduate in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, in West Bengal, India. She has been teaching in high school, and her students have cherished her immensely for articulating each topic as a story, even while teaching. Although she might sound serious in her choice of profession and subject, you can rest assured that she is quite the opposite of that! She is also a life skills trainer, and all her lessons are filled with jokes and stories, even when she teaches solemn topics in either Chemistry or Conflict Resolution Skills!Suryamita takes such pleasure in telling a story that she could never give up a chance to tell one! Her narration is so unique and amusing that no one wants to miss an opportunity to be a part of her audience. According to her, teaching is also "telling a story." Everything could be made interesting if a story could be made from the learning. Even the air in her classroom comes alive with different chemical elements depicting human nature and behaviour! Suryamita has been an avid reader throughout her childhood and still reads herself to sleep at night. Throughout her childhood, her friends would always be found sitting around her, enthralled and fascinated, listening to her stories, and losing complete track of the time! Her adult life has been no different. The content of her stories for adults is more serious and mature, yet the tale's articulation remains fascinating!When it comes to fiction, her popularity is quite the same with both adults and children and given a choice, she prefers her audience to be somewhere in between, meaning young adults. She is like a captivating friend who tells a story better than their books and grandparents! She can draw people towards her like a magnet when she starts narrating one. People love to make friends with her as she communicates with them uniquely, even when she is not telling a story. Older adults around her behave no differently, and after all, who would not like to hear a good tale if she were around?If the story is narrated from a movie, you could have her tell the story to make you see the film as she saw it instead of hearing it. So, imagine her trying to make you feel the fairy tale you read! Would you not want to be a part of that?Her very first and second e-books are number one bestsellers on Amazon now!
    Sku: 9789356486928

    The Price of GREED : A Wrestler’s Tale!

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹225.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • Harmeet Singh, a native of Delhi, India, developed a passion for storytelling from a young age, fueled by his avid interest in reading. During his secondary school years, he began crafting his own narratives, exploring the depths of imagination through short stories.Driven by a curiosity for the world around him, Harmeet pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering, a field that provided him with valuable insights into problem-solving and innovation. Currently, he serves as a distinguished Marine Engineer for a renowned company, navigating the vast seas and encountering diverse experiences that enrich his storytelling."I Shouldn't Have Done This" marks Harmeet's debut as an author and represents the culmination of his creative journey. Much of this compelling narrative was penned in the solitude of the high seas, where Harmeet found inspiration in the ever-changing horizon.Beyond his professional pursuits, Harmeet finds solace and joy in a myriad of hobbies. An ardent reader and writer, he immerses himself in literature, drawing inspiration from various genres and authors. When not lost in the world of words, he finds rhythm in dance and solace in the cinematic realm of movies.Harmeet's debut novel is a testament to his passion for storytelling, weaving together themes of love, redemption, and the complexities of life against the vibrant backdrop of Delhi's bustling cityscape. With a unique blend of personal experiences and vivid imagination, Harmeet invites readers on a captivating journey, exploring the intricacies of human emotion and the pursuit of happiness.
    Sku: 9789356489264

    I Shouldn’t Have Done This: A Heartfelt Love Story

  • -7%

    मेरा नाम नेहा सिंह है। मैं कहानीकार हूँ और मेरी कहानियाँ...मेरा लेखन, मेरा प्रेम भी है और साधना भी। मैंने व्यापार प्रबंधन में स्नातकोत्तर शिक्षा काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्याल्य के वाणिज्य संकाय से प्राप्त की है। मैंने दो वर्ष की अवधि तक आई.आई.एम. काशीपुर में कार्य किया है। मैं स्वयं को उस कहानीकार के रूप में देखती हूँ, जिसकी कहानियों से आप सरल प्रेम करते हैं। 
    बाकी, मेरी कहानियों में आप मुझे पाते हैं और मुझमें मेरी कहानियों को।
    - हर हर महादेव

    Sku: 9789356484306


    Original price was: ₹279.00.Current price is: ₹259.00. Add to cart Quick View
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    As a writer, I believe in the transformative power of love. It's the force that shapes destinies, shatters boundaries, and leaves an indelible mark on our souls. This passion fuels my desire to weave stories that explore the depths of human connection, where hearts collide, dreams entwine, and even the fiercest storms cannot extinguish the flames of love. In my latest love stories, "Timeless," I invite you to embark on a captivating journey beyond the ordinary. This isn't your typical love story; it delves into the complexities of the human heart, where love transcends expectations and redefines what it means to truly connect. Whether it's a second chance at love that defies societal norms, a soul-stirring connection that defies time itself, or a love story that blossoms amidst unexpected circumstances.
    Sku: 9789356488854

    Simran : short true Love stories

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00. Add to cart Quick View